Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Reversal Model Analysis For Winning Lotto Numbers

Reversal analysis is a technique to analyze all the advanced lotto numbers position and their stagnation as a sign that indicates what number will be drawn next time. I observed that after the analysis of the last 10 previous draws, there are almost always four columns of numbers frequency. The numbers that appear in the most advanced column have participated frequently in creating new combinations that were drawn in the meantime. Therefore these numbers were frequent repeated and they became very active numbers. They are frequent numbers here in the last 10 previous draws but this fact may be different from the hot numbers from the whole system.
This is an example of the new situation in lotto system created after a live draw. And a new situation has its challenge and also any new situation has certain predictable stages with reference to the direction that must be always toward the front. The challenge here is that we should to look for at least one predictable stage called reversal model, in order to identify what numbers will be drawn next time.This means that these very active numbers do not advance in the same rhythm. They can remain for a while in the same column and this period is called stagnation. But not all the numbers that exist in stagnation phase will be drawn next time.
Reversal model analysis is a tool to use in determining the position of each frequent number that loses its advanced position. Supposing that you use a reversal model for forecasting future draw, how this affects the accuracy of these forecasts? How does this affect the conclusions concerning the significance of the number stagnation and the overall power of the reversal model? The correct answer is that you should have a frame of reference in space. When you are running a reversal model, make sure that you always check for many other numbers position in those columns of frequency.
You have the sheet of paper in front of you and the obligation to see the true fact. Then you have to get the full observation from the starting point of a new motion of numbers. From all the advanced numbers that were in the stagnation position, only one or two numbers will start a rapid movement toward the front. And only those numbers will be drawn next draw. The future winning numbers have a linear stagnation and also a linear reversal motion. These are two signs which when they are together, their certainty is 99%.
I want to emphasize the importance and the effectiveness of knowing and using reversal model because it give you the first winning numbers for the next time with high certainty.

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