Friday, January 18, 2013

How to Pick Winning Lotto Numbers: Time Tested Way to Win Now!

Are you sick of tired of being 1 or 2 numbers shy of winning the jackpot? How many times have your numbers been so close but off by being a digit less on each one? Don't you hate that? But you know what's worse using the same system or strategy to pick your numbers and getting the same results. That bites big time especially when the answer is standing right in front of you. OK maybe not right in front of you, but as you finish this article you will see the way that works time and time again to pick winning lotto numbers is found by following the strategies of the insiders.
So who are the insiders and what are there strategies? I will save you the suspense and tell you right now who the insiders are. The insiders are people who win more than 60% of any game they play at the lotto. There strategies well it's not what the average lotto player does to win. They actually do the dirty little 4 letter word that escapes most people who play. They put in WORK!
They analyze pass data to see if trends can be predicted. They look at past winning numbers to see if there if any correlations that can be exploited. They derive sheets to comprise their data and this is just the beginning.
What just the beginning? Yeah, just the beginning; I know what you may be thinking is there a way to not do this and still win? The answer to that question is yes you are already doing it now. So how has your game plan panning out for you? Are you winning 60% or more on any game you play? The answer to these question is probably no. I know you want to win. You want all that comes with knowing you have the winning ticket so come on don't be lazy a little work never hurt anybody.
So with that said what else do the insiders do to make them win so often? They follow a system. The system is the key. They take all the data that they have gathered and input in a system that allows them to achieve such high results. Just imagine what it feels like to know you will win at least 6 out of every 10 times you played the lotto! Your feelings of hoping you win turn to pure confidence knowing you are going to win.
So let's recap how the insiders pick winning lotto numbers
1) They analyze pass data.
2) They look at pass winning numbers to see if there are any patterns.
3) They store their information on some form of paper or spread sheets and
4) They follow a system.

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1 comment:

  1. thank you a very good article most useful information thank you again.
